Irelya CampusFaculty of Education
The Irelya faculty of Education offers a Bachelor’s Degree (BA) in Primary School Teaching as well as Bachelor of Science (BS) majors in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, a BA in English and a BA in Early Childhood Education, (4 year program).
Sopas CampusFaculty of Medicine & Health Science
The former Enga College of Nursing offers a BA in General Nursing with proposed programs for Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery (MBBS) and a BA in Rural Medicine.
Akom CampusFaculty of Business & Informatics
Proposed comprehensive Business and Informatics programs with strong emphases on Information and Data Management will be part of our Information Technology Program. This program currently being developed and awaiting the completion of the Akom campus in 2025.
Secondary DepartmentIUE also offers one post graduate program
Graduate Diploma in Secondary School Teaching.